As Cell Biology and Proteomics Lab, we attended the 3rd International Congress of Molecular Biology Association of Türkiye at Izmir Institute of Technology (10-12 September 2014)

Combinatory Strategies to Maximize the Number of Proteins Identified in HeLa Whole-Cell Extracts Using Nano-LC MS/MS

Büşra Akarlar, Nurhan Özlü

Establishing Alternative Strategies for Cell Surface Isolation

Nazlı Ezgi Özkan, Nurhan Özlü

Cellular Function of Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein CLIC4 in Mammalian Cells

Zeynep Cansu Üretmen, Duygu Payzın, Nurhan Özlü

Quantitative Phosphoproteomic Analysis of ‘Cytokinesis’

Özge Karayel, Ayşe Nur Polat, Nurhan Özlü